Train to Lead First Responder
Peer Group Sessions
Why Be a Facilitator?
The Role of a Facilitator
Facilitators have the privilege of seeing the core goodness in other First Responders and being inspired by the courage they share in overcoming challenges and building resilience.
Co-facilitation teams of up to two First Responders guide the group in the following healing practices:
Deep Listening
Understanding feelings of moral distress, listening with emotional competency, and leading the peer support process.
Helping First Responder participants see the similarities among them.
Intervening with kindness if participants change the subject or monopolize the conversation.
Offering encouragement and reassurance so group members are being heard and supported.
Bringing awareness to the positive changes that are taking place.
Becoming a Facilitator
VOA is always looking for volunteer First Responders, either active-duty or retired, to be trained as VOA|ReST Facilitators.
After your application has been received, you will have an interview and receive detailed information about the program and the online platform.
Remote training for new Facilitators takes approximately 10 hours and includes an overview of the technology, instruction on the peer group facilitation model, practice facilitation with a trainer, and co-facilitation of at least two actual VOA|ReST 4 First Responder group meetings. Once training is complete, volunteers should be available to Facilitate at least two meetings per month.